的 沙龙 of Tomorrow: How 技术 Plays a Part in Your Future

的 salon industry has always been a very h和s-on, 以人为本的企业, with ultimate customer service as the top priority. 当人们在一个温暖而诱人的环境中享受自我照顾的时刻时,他们渴望得到宠爱和照顾. 这就是为什么没有什么比沙龙或水疗中心的客户和他们的服务提供商之间的联系更重要的了, 不管是哪种类型的服务.

然而,美容企业与客户的互动和服务方式永远在变化. 例如, 如今的顾客——尤其是年轻一代——在享受美容时追求的是方便. 的y want appointments at their fingertips, 适时提醒, 服务结束后快速结账, 和 easy access to the products they love.

If salons are to capture younger clients 和 retain them in the future, they need to drop outdated processes 和 embrace the benefits of technology today.

高效运行, a salon should ditch ineffective business practices such as paper scheduling books, taking individual appointments by text or email, 手动确认约会. 这些实践所花费的时间最好花在提供服务和增强其他客户的体验上.

通过采用技术, salons can streamline these 和 many other processes, 减轻他们团队耗时的任务,让他们专注于他们最擅长的事情——为客户提供优质的服务.


技术最显著的优点之一是能够处理广泛的功能, 和 沙龙的软件 您是否有一种快速、简便、高度可靠的方法来保证日常业务的高效运行.

您的团队只需点击几下即可快速访问客户信息并预约. 的 沙龙预订 process can be done from anywhere 和 on any device, thanks to cloud-based technology. 设计师s have access to their schedule when the salon is closed, 和 owners/managers have out-of-salon access to client information, 销售数据, 业务趋势, 和更多的. 幸运的是,科技的发展使人们不再需要在下班时间跑回沙龙查阅纸质时间表或本地安装的软件.

In-沙龙预订 is just one of the benefits of scheduling software; for the rest, 寻求在线预订. 在线调度 允许客户访问你的沙龙时间表上的可用约会,为自己选择和预订. 这个功能对您的客户来说很方便,因为他们可以随时预订. 软件直观地知道有足够的时间来容纳所需的服务,并将以适当的顺序安排这些服务(颜色), 减少, 风格). Also, online scheduling frees up your staff. 每一次网上预约, it’s one less call your receptionist needs to take during their busy day.

Instead of calling, texting, or emailing clients to confirm appointments one by one, let 自动通信 为你工作吗. 第一个, automatically send an itinerary after every appointment is made, 无论是在沙龙还是在网上. 然后, 在约会前几天发送自动提醒信息和友好的短信. 此功能节省了您的团队的时间和精力,并有助于确保准时的客户和更少的失约. 自动电子邮件和短信提醒可以将客户取消预约和缺席的比例从8%降至1%以下.

自动短信和电子邮件的好处是,你设置一次就可以离开. 的 system will do the rest based on your preset parameters.

Let 技术 Put Your Inventory 和 Retail to Work

零售和后酒吧 库存管理 is another area where technology solutions can save time 和 money. 告别手动计数瓶和管,开始适当的产品信息与大规模上传. Take advantage of automated updates that sync every night to ensure your product names, 价格, sku, 等.保持最新,并与供应商/品牌保持一致,使用一致的命名约定.

寻找一个经销商提供 网上沙龙订购 so you can stay stocked without overstocking. Simply set the thresholds for your products 和 pull a report to determine what to order.

使用一个 色彩管理系统, you can eliminate waste by lessening the amount of product washed down the drain. 一个可以精确测量颜色的秤与一个应用程序相连,该应用程序使用这些数据来帮助设定准确的价格, 减少库存采购, 消除浪费. Such a system can also provide in-depth analytics on employee performance, 彩色服务盈利能力, 实时库存报告. 这些 features allow you to maximize efficiency 和 reduce costs 和 environmental impact. You can also use technology to help drive your retail sales. 从a开始 销售点 (POS) system that intuitively makes product suggestions at checkout. 这个功能可以及时提醒造型师或接待员根据客户当前的服务或过去的购买来推荐产品. 他们会空手而归吗, 增加另一种方式,让客户方便地通过你的沙龙网上商店获得他们喜欢的产品. 使用 电子商务, you can offer client convenience for the growing numbers who like to shop online. 你的网上商店也可以弥补在沙龙错过的机会,并保持客户访问之间的库存.


寻找一个POS系统与 嵌入式支付处理 为您的客户提供更快的结账. 这种方式, you can quickly 和 safely keep cards on file to take deposits, 执行取消政策, 并提供非接触式, 甚至是椅子边的结账. 采用嵌入式支付处理, there’s no need to re-enter or reconcile totals, so batch-outs are quick 和 always balanced. 和 综合报告 for payment processing 和 everything else, you’ll know your numbers 和 keep a finger on the pulse of your business.

他补充说,让技术更进一步 数字引爆 到您的结帐过程. 它提供了一次性刷卡支付的便利,并将客户的小费直接发送给服务提供商. 不用再跑去银行支付现金小费,你的团队会更快地收到他们的钱.

为每个人提供真正优质服务的最好方法之一就是减轻团队的一些负担. 而不是那么多人聚集在前台等待接待员挂断电话, provide other ways to check people in 和 out 和 answer the phones remotely, 消除持续振铃. 这就是 路边签到诊疗椅边的退房 开始行动吧.

如果你取a 虚拟助手 来处理你的部分或全部电话, your reception team can now act as concierges 和 move about the salon, 指挥交通. 你的团队可以通过短信登记员工, 看看吧, 在造型师去找下一个客户的时候,通过工作站的平板电脑帮助客户重新预约.


通过在线流程,减少团队用于初始咨询的时间. 与一个 数字咨询 工具, 你的团队可以深入了解新客户的需求和他们的头发状况,从而提供一个现实的时间框架和准确的价格. 这种方式, 之后就没有惊喜了, 客户得到了他们想要的,而你的团队在客户掌权期间没有放弃宝贵的时间.

Stay connected with your clients using text 和 email marketing. Use automated communications to wish clients a happy birthday, remind them to make their next appointment, 感谢他们最近的来访, or let them know they may be running out of products. 这些 短信和电子邮件交流 让客户感到特别和被欣赏,而不需要你或你的团队设置提醒和发送个人问候.

For communications to larger groups, send marketing 文本 和 email campaigns. 这些 are ideal for keeping everyone informed about the salon, 发送促销活动, 和 staying top of mind with your clients by offering your expertise. 不要害羞 AI. 学习如何使用和个性化你的品牌声音的人工智能,以简化您的业务在电子邮件中的消息传递, 文本, 和更多的.


Fill your chairs 和 treatment rooms using 铅一代 to keep a steady flow of new clients walking in your door, 希望, 保持忠诚, 长期客户. 利用你的网站和社交媒体形成一个销售漏斗,这样你就可以向他们推销你的服务.

Ads on Google 和 social media are also great ways to bring new leads in for your area; just be sure you narrow the search to your immediate location 和 only for your ideal client. As leads come in, have a system in place to nurture them into clients. 想想点滴运动, 短信营销, 甚至让你的虚拟助手直接联系他们,邀请他们进行咨询.


An online presence is one of the most vital aspects of any business today. 如果潜在客户找不到你, or you have very few reviews or too many bad ones, they’ll move on to another local option – likely your direct competition. 使用一个 声誉管理平台 is a great place to start 和 continue managing your online presence into the future.


美容行业在不断发展, 和 keeping up with technological advancements is crucial to staying relevant. As customers become more tech-savvy 和 their needs change, salons must embrace technology to provide a seamless experience. 通过充分利用技术, 沙龙可以提升客户体验,在效率和人际互动之间达到完美的平衡.

Discover the latest technology innovations to revolutionize your operations with 玫瑰色沙龙软件. Start a free trial to find out for yourself.